2014 Precog Predictions Popcorn

I see the following trajectories coming to pass in 2014:Stock Market reversal / collapse by at least 32%, led by a correction in the American S&P500 index – before May.Gold to rise over 40% to above $1600, starting to spike upwards post March (good for CFDs...

Protect your children; watch the eyes

A quick disclaimer first, if objective reality comes across to you as negativity, I request that you go somewhere else on the internet, maybe shopping?  Here are some gift ideas.*** From time to time, I watch an evening of English TV to get a feel for...

The Third Net.

Matthew Delooze recently wrote about the second net, explaining that many who have escaped the first net of media and system lies (the matrix as some call it), have just jumped into a second net of control within the truth movement.This can be summarised and...