Day 4 Worldwide Lockdown

March 18, 2020
Mark aka waykiwayki

I will post here as many people I know don’t use facebook, and many are asking similar questions – and this can be shared.  This blog won’t update every day – but hopefully often, and it’s quicker than doing videos.

Ok – here is the latest NLP and slow move towards more designed panic and lockdown.

Italy has been in lockdown for 10 days, but they say in the media with no proof that “deaths are spiking” – this tells us lockdown is not enough – we need more control.  In Italy people are phoning the police to grass up on people in the street….omg.

Tanks were seen in a convoy in UK yesterday, and here is another convoy of military on the M25 yesterday.

From the Guardian Live updates today:

The UK announced plans to double the military force available to help deal with the outbreak. The Ministry of Defence said an extra 10,000 personnel would be added to the 10,000 already available to form a support force.

And BBC said low down in their news…err…by the way…”The Army is preparing to provide support during the pandemic.”

RT said dying people in UK are to say goodbye to loved ones….get this….via skype…..”hello, can you hear me?” – “yep, just, cutting out a bit, whats going on dad?” – “Going to die in a minute.”    Really?   And the sheep accept this as a good thing to do as they believe in cartoon viruses.

Philadelphia is looking super martial law too.

More NLP – they say empty shelves are due to “hoarders” but really it’s the crippled supply chain.   Do the supermarkets run dry at Xmas?  No.   Do trucks now deliver fruit from Spain to Germany and UK?  No.

Here is a real idea (not a joke) from a restaurant company – deep mind control of fear.

Valencia “Checkpoint and Disinfection” – these will be where to queue for food and vaccines soon…..while soldiers patrol.

Love how the MSM assumes via NLP that we all really want a vaccine – the BBC NLP is off the charts.

London is being told full power lockdown coming soon.  Yep – so the youngest person to die in UK is 49 years old – but now everyone is on lock down…LOL.   Where are all the big tough Chelsea and Spurs “lads” now?   All at home listening for Government orders.

Here is a funny UK contradiction the sheep missed……and even support…….don’t go out, no pubs, no cafes, no cinema, work at home – don’t speak to eachother, old people stay alone, if anyone coughs then the whole house has to be isolated……this “virus” is far too dangerous and contagious……but ………hmm……..keep sending your kids to school…….we need to keep programming them with fear and mass mind control.   And you know what?    The parents do it – they obey……they send their children to school then go home and NLP “social distance” and “self isolate themselves….which both really mean “lock yourself down you gullibe sheep and don’t collaborate with anyone who has probably worked it out.”  imagine going to school as a 10 year old thinking your parents might die while your in Climate change lesson…unreal     They realised their mistake and all schools shut tomorrow.

Boris Johnson is using NLP all the time – “Without good leadership people in this country will start to panic.”  LOL

As well as Virtual Online Funerals confirmed, the BBC have a new live series called Health Check UK Live where they will educate you on killing yourself slowly with vaccines and bad food, and there will be broadcast a virtual church service live on Sunday morning each week.

The BBC Food website will provide recipes for those with access to only the bare essentials – so you can see what is coming.
The BBC also says it could provide a daily education television programme for different age groups that students can follow.

Corona seen from Space….LMAO – it’s only 2 miles away…if even that….LOL.

With the economy it’s hard to tell – for sure it was broken anyway and controlled slow collapse is wiser for the elite…especially after people locked up at home.  As I said for years now – crypto, land, silver, and gemstones are best investments….once you have food/water sorted.

Strange how the super expensive Kirkland Nursing Homes the USA are responsible for a quarter of all USA deaths in strange circumstance are hanging up on people asking questions, and refuse anyone to visit or deliver – seems like a test lab really.

What’s shocking in all this is no disobedience – everyone in the EU and UK is just doing what they are told – numb and shocked.    Know that there are people outside of all this watching from thousands of miles away – with care.

Do Not Consent – Live your life – don’t be a drone – wake up your friends and family, don’t step into fear – we are in a frequency war – you have to keep your frequency high.  Stop listening to rules from authority, and wake people up.   Read some Taoism or do some meditation or this amazing nidra – reflect, plan, take action….do the opposite of the herd.

“Shivi’s – it’s time to flood the place mate – either send Zues and the boys down to sort this elite out – or flood it – it’s gone too silly – we need a reset……….I can’t believe what I’m witnessing.”

Ps – If you believe Viruses exist (bacteria exists, mutated proteins exist), and don’t know about 5G EMF or bioweapons – you might want to see my latest video on youtube or DYOR.