Obama Initiated in London before False Flag terror.

May 25, 2011
Mark aka waykiwayki

Hi all,

For those who only know Obama through the mainstream media please see “The Obama Deception” for just a glimpse into his administration.

For those who do not know that the American revolution was controlled and orchistrated by the British oligarchy (with links to high level Freemasonry), or that the American financial institutions are mainly controlled by the British based oligarchy (mainly the Rothschilds based in the City of London), then my free Ebook Wayki Wayki will fill in some of the holes.

The whole Obama in London pomp was easy to see that he was “under the British oligarchy,”  especially at the Banquet where Jesuits and Bilderbergers et al met up to nosh tax payers funded grub.  I am even 100% sure his speech was supposed to be said during the “God Save the Queen” anthem to show his submission and allegiance, the story that this was a “gaff” allows the event to be exposed onto more media sources.  Also, why was his speech done in Westminster Hall, more of a religious temple than any sort of government building.

Each media shot is at this world level is very well prepared, and even the ping pong shots just throw into the subconscious, “they are on the same team,” and “batting on the same side.”

Now, let us look at the Rothchilds coat of Arms, noting that the Rothschild dynasty is based in the City of London and controls the world finance.

And now, let us look at the Royal Crown’s coat of arms.

Very similar…what a coincidence.

What does the French (think Templars 15th century) underneath mean, Dieu Et Mon Driot?   It means “The Divine Right of the Monarch to Govern” or “God and my right shall me defend.”

Now….drumroll….what do we see Obama and Cameron have in front of them when they are fooling the world’s TV slaves?
The Royal coat of arms! They are speaking under the control of the British oligarchy.  They even have a black one too….lovely.

This symbols is deeply esoteric and occult.

It shows a Lion’s head (alchemy, force, strong, kingly) wearing a Royal Crown, and on the opposite side it is a white unicorn with chains around its neck. This is implying that they are enslaving Aryan race and the rest of humanity.  There is much more too, any many interpretations…  

Revelation 13:2: 
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard,
and his feet were as the feet of a bear,
and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:
and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 

Obama also said on his visit in front of most of the elite that are based in Britain.
“Time for our leadership now” and “Our Nations are at a pivotal moment.”   Why?  False flag terror coming soon?
“Our fight is focused on defeating al-Qaeda and its extremist allies.”    al-Qaeda does not exist.
“The reason for this close friendship doesn’t just have to do with our shared history, our shared heritage, our ties of language and culture, OR EVEN the strong partnership between our governments.  Our relationship is special because of values and BELIEFS that have united our people through the AGES.”  Very Masonic and historically true.

As i said a couple of weeks ago, a false flag terror event is coming to the west, probably around the summer solstice…..and most will support the resulting attack on Pakistan and/or Iran through ignorance of truth, and apathy towards truth.

