Elite Full Throttle Series, Youtube attack, and Unschooling.

June 13, 2020
Mark aka waykiwayki

Hi all,

A belated update to share the new waykiwayki Elite Full Throttle Series on Youtube, now on Part 6.
I had copied the youtube link here, but along with Part 3, youtube have just removed Part 6 too….no reason given.

So now I have moved all my work to the decentralised and uncensored LBRY platform.
Part 6
LBRY waykiwayki channel

On youtube many subscribers have been removed without their knowledge, and many others haven’t been getting notified of new videos – so please join me on LBRY…..my days on Youtube are nearly numbered.

As well as the busy Astrology and Crypto services I offer (see links on the right) – there is now an unschooling / deschooling offering led by an ex.   She has so many years experience of guiding and teaching children in many cultures and countries, using successful innovative methods.

I also have many people calling me for a chat / advice on the current situation (vaccines, AI, lockdown, elite agendas going full throttle etc).   Please use waykiwayki@protonmail.com for correspondence.


M aka waykiwayki