last chance for the 2012 scientists?

hi all,for those new to recent “solar” blogs, a recap of planetary alignments, prophecy, and science is here…..***During a great full moon period personally, I met an adept who also agreed the astral is a little quiet regarding 2012  – it...

Above and Below, and the Intuition.

Does a physical change occur before an individual shift in consciousness?For this we have to first ask what can really trigger a shift in ones individual consciousness?A shock.  An experience.A study of new information.A fast.Solitude.An altered state.The...

Water, UFO, and Batman…..

hi all,Due to little rain and no snow on the sierra nevada, and for the first time in decades, the mountain spring that provides the stream and all the water here, got very dry, and got driven underground.I have lived for the past six weeks or so, collecting water in...