waykiwayki Youtube Channel Removed

 It finally happened.  Google removed me from Youtube.   About 4 million views and 100k comments – and that was with removing me from searches, removing subscribers, and not notifying them much of the time.The show goes on.  Elite Full...
Day 4 Worldwide Lockdown

Day 4 Worldwide Lockdown

I will post here as many people I know don’t use facebook, and many are asking similar questions – and this can be shared.  This blog won’t update every day – but hopefully often, and it’s quicker than doing videos.Ok – here is...
Day 3 Worldwide Lockdown.

Day 3 Worldwide Lockdown.

It’s ramping up and most of EU is now in home lockdown and unable to fly out.Live streamed funerals incoming. Government-backed loans worth £330bn (33).UK new laws -The Coronavirus Bill – Allowing police and immigration officers to support and enforce...